More than one programming language

Why do we have so many programming languages? I don’t know about you but this is a question I’m asking myself constantly when I read about new technologies and methods. My opinion is that we have so many programming languages for two basic reasons. The first reason is kinda obvious and it’s called evolution. Our need to build more complex systems, our need to simplify common solutions, the software being available to more people has led us into creating new tools trying to solve those increasingly complicated problems....

October 5, 2014 · 2 min · Argyrios Gounaris

A few thoughts on programming, and not only, ego...

A lot of people are talking about collaboration, programming disciplines, agile methodology …etc as basic principles of a modern software development team. Well … bullocks. One of the basic things that can make a team wither or thrive is the amount of presence of programming ego. It’s our willingness to accept a different opinion as long as it’s owner presents valid arguments to support this opinion. How many times in your career haven’t you heard arguments like “just do it”, “he/she knows because he/she is good”, “it’s better because I have done it in the past” and lot more funny expressions....

October 1, 2014 · 2 min · Argyrios Gounaris

PHP Auto correction/spell check, speed testing

Auto-correction/spell checking is probably one of the most used functionalities over the web. Has anyone thought how it is working?? How blogs, websites, that run clearly over the web, are able to serve the list nearly instantly?? I was really curious the other day and I wanted to spend some minutes crafting a small algori thm to study the functionality. I’ve googled a bit arround for dictionaries and I’ve found (this one)....

February 12, 2014 · 4 min · Argyrios Gounaris

First Scala tutorial with tests

Hello all, Well, this is my first video ever and I made some language mistakes and probably the flow could have been better. This was a “one try” video and I’ve left it like this to remind me of things that I should take care for the next one. So…. A while ago when I started learning scala it would have been really helpfull for me to have a small tutorial to introduce me to the initial process of how to create a scala project....

February 8, 2014 · 1 min · Argyrios Gounaris

Chrome dns tools

So looking around to improve my knowledge on how DNS works I fell into a “well hidden” chrome functionality that looks really cool!! Chrome tries to resolve urls while the user types (DNS Prefetching) and it has an internal functionality to analyze all the relevant events. Try to type in the address bar chrome://net-internals/#dns A couple of screen shots of two tools included in the functionality… Timeline of events ![dns tool 1]({{ site....

January 20, 2014 · 1 min · Argyrios Gounaris